Getting Involved
In biology, mutualism is an interaction between two organisms from which each derives benefit. This principle also applies to proactive members of the our community either learning programming or sharing their awesome ideas.. This participation benefits not only fellow members, but all users of free and open source software.
Official Club Projects
Creative Ideas
No one has it all. We are welcome to Ideas which can help make this site better by enriching its web content making it more interactive and accessible for all!
You can also send us tips and tricks on how to program faster and more efficiently. Must-have programming resources we don't yet know about but which can make our lives and programming experience better and easier are much more appreciated.
Online Contribution
Help our fellow programmers or share new ideas on our Facebook Group For IRC lovers, we will be creating a channel named #ublab hosted at Libera (Coming Soon...)
GitHub Contribution
You can also contribute to any of our projects hosted at GitHub no matter your geographical situation!
Spread the Word
Helping us gain exposure is key to our progress. You can do this by:
- Recomending our facebook page
- Tweeting about us
- Giving us a +1 on google plus
- Adding a Link to Us on your website
- Or any other creative means you can think of!
Help us Correct Errors and Broken Links
Man is prone to errors and it is important to correct this errors. You can file such errors and broken links by emailing a report to our technical team at contact support
Fixing bugs on the bug tracker is one of the possible ways to help the community.
However, ineffective use can be counter-productive
Participate in Meetups
You can participate in our regular meetups by contributing new programming ideas and teaching them basic programming concepts. You can find information on forthcoming meetups in our club Event Calendar.
Please Tell Your Newsgroup!
Do you have a newsgroup? Are you a newsgroup member? Do you have a mailing list? Tell your newsgroup or mailing list about us!
Find Us Elsewhere
Keep Me Updated
Stay up-to-date with the latest news, Club Developments and Resources